The Legend of St Brigid's Cross & Win a Stunning Piece of Celtic Jewelry

The Legend of St Brigid's Cross & Win a Stunning Piece of Celtic Jewelry

Win a stunning St Brigid's Cross 

At Irish Green Jewelry we would like to celebrate St Brigid's Day by giving away one of our stunning sterling silver St. Brigid’s cross pendants which has the fine detail of the rushwork in the casting to one lucky winner. 






This St Brigid's Cross necklet/pendant is a miniature representation of the rush work cross that is still part of the Irish faith tradition. The rush work crosses were made by children to give as presents to neighbours to help protect their houses throughout the year.   

The sterling silver cross has five pieces of specially selected Connemara marble intarsia embedded in the design which are retro polished after they are set in. The reverse side of the cross has the rush work design in relief.

The Legend of St Brigid's Cross 

The legend associated with the origin of St. Brigid's crosses continues...the old legend goes how Brigid was called to the bedside of a dying pagan chieftain in Kildare.  Some say this man was Brigid's father, as she sat by his side to keep watch over him in his final hours. 

While sitting by the dying man bedside, Brigid picked up some rushes from the floor and began to weave them into a cross. The sick man asked her what she was making and Brigid began to explain the story of Jesus to him. 

Her calming words brought peace to his soul. The chieftan’s fever broke, and he grew quiet.  Captivated by her lesson of love and enlightenment, the old chieftan was baptised as a christian, just before his death.

About St Brigid

St.Brigid, also known as “Mary of the Gael”, is an abbess and patroness of Ireland. She is the founder of the first Irish monastery in County Kildare, Ireland. Born in Dundalk in 450 AD, St Brigid is accredited with first creating the unique cross which bears her name. This cross is normally hand created from rushes however occasionally straw is also used.

Celebrating St Brigid's Day in Ireland

Since that day, and for the centuries that followed, it has been customary on the eve of her Feast Day 1st February for the Irish people to fashion a St. Brigid's Cross made of straw or rushes and place it inside the house over the door to protect against fire and evil spirits. 

Feel free to browse our online store or shop the St Brigid's Cross HERE


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